
Video for the Enterprise CTO

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I enjoy learning from and interacting with great CTO teachers face to face, which is why direct meetings are an incredibly important part of life.  But that model does not scale well.  There is no way any human can begin to schedule enough time/meetings/conferences/interactions to tap into all the great teachers there.  

Social media can help in a couple ways.   For example, when used properly, it can help you connect with and learn from others in a way that is non-obtrusive to them.  It can also help you determine who has credibility in their field, which can be of use at times.  Social media can also help you find the best works to read and study which is another way learning from the masters but also in dealing with information overload. 

I’ve just integrated another way of learning from the masters into the site at The site is now leveraging a YouTube channel designed specifically for enterprise CTOs.  It also embeds automated searches on YouTube focused on Information Technology and provides simple ways to kick off your own search.

Here is how it works and what the social media connection is:  A video I find that I believe to be relevant to enterprise CTOs (like, for example, Nicholas Carr talking about “The Big Switch” or a product demo for a hot technology like Plastic Logic)  is tagged as a “favorite” on YouTube.  Then it will automatically be available as the first choice of a video in the player I have embedded on the front page at  That player and other videos, including all that are relevant to searches on terms like “Information Technology” are also on the new CTOvideo page at  

Additionally, the sidebar of the blog now has videos the Google and YouTube search algorithms think are relevant to the content. 

How can you help drive the content of the video displayed?  As always I really appreciate your feedback, via any path that is easy for you.  You can send e-mail or leave comments on any post suggesting any video.  You can also connect to me on Twitter or Facebook and we can interact on the topic there.   And if you have a YouTube account we can connect there.  I’m